#3: Layaway

biz_1_1dlayaway_174039_1126Anyone who has ever put an item on layaway is ghetto. Layaway is a program at certain stores like Wal-Mart where the person can purchase an item without paying the entire cost at once. Instead the item(s) will remain at the store while the ghetto person makes the scheduled payments. Once the layaway item is paid for, the person can take their purchase home.

Many ghetto people have to resort to layaway because their credit score is so bad that they cannot get a credit card nor will the store give them a loan to purchase the desired item. The main reason that ghetto people must use layaway is because they are flat broke and simply cannot afford the item at the time. A logical person who understands economics would not make a purchase they cannot afford. Ghetto people and most Americans have a different mindset. However it is more chic to make a purchase on AMEX than use layaway. In fact AMEX is a sign of status while layaway is an indication of being broke. For whatever reason ghetto people believe that they are getting a hook up by making multiple payments on their purchase when often times there is a fee associated with layaway.

Ghetto people find the silliest things to put on layaway such as rims, car stereo systems, and even hair weaves. Sadly, there are actually beauty shops that offer layaway programs for hair weaves. Unfortunately, there are times when the ghetto person is unable to make the scheduled payments, so the layaway item ends up staying at the store costing the corporations like Wal-Mart millions of dollars in storage fees, labor cost, and restocking fees. However, many corporations are now starting to eliminate layaway programs in order to increase their profits and attract more desirable customers (i.e. middle to upper middle class). Until that day comes, ghetto people will continue to utilize layaway programs.

Disclaimer: Everyone relax and get a grip. This entry is simply having fun with the observations made herein. It is NOT the gospel on how to spend your money, so stop whining.

143 responses to “#3: Layaway

  1. whoever wrote this is completely ignorant! My mom was a single mother of three, and when i was growing up, my father rarely paid child support. My mom used lawayay when she needed to buy christmas or birthday presents and stuff for back to school. she didnt have bad credit and we werent ghetto by any means, but she just didnt always have the money. and whoever the hell “rich white bitch” is, you can burn in hell you ignorant cunt


  3. Your just some rich bitch! Layway is awesome, to ensure you get what you family wants before its gone even if you can pay for the whole things right now. Anyone with kids would understand that. To see there faces on christmas if you didnt get what they wanted because it sold out before you could afford it. Everyone borrows money..ie credit cards. Same as layaway, and now adays you dont have to have credit to get a credit card, they will give almost anyone a $300 credit limit out right. And eventually you have to pay it back and you pay a fee until you pay off the credit card. DUH!!!!!

    Stupid people need to get a life….

  4. I like to use layaway to keep my kids’ presents hidden. It’s easier to leave them at the store than take them home to curious kids that wanna snoop around for Christmas presents that they KNOW mommy and Danny have bought!! I let them try to find the gifts, it’s pretty funny! I wonder if the store would “deny” me if they knew I was just using them for storage! LOL!!!

  5. Wow. I can’t believe the arrogance and ignorance of the person who wrote the article. Yes, layaway is for people who can’t afford to purchase their item today. But they can’t afford that purchase today because they are working that stinky little job with a 30 year old paycheck, while their fat, lazy boss lives off of them. Oh and don’t forget that the ghetto boys at Wall Street now want to be bailed out by the people who can’t afford anything unless they put it on layaway. The Wall Street Boys who are paid to understand money. It is their highly paid job to know how to work with money and yet look at the mess they’ve created. Since they have no conscience they are basically holding everyone hostage saying that if you want that stinking little job with the 30 year old paycheck, you better save my butt.

    And don’t blame it completely on subprime mortgages. The qualifications should have been higher, but those money hungry, hiding in a limo, ghetto boys at Wall Street lowered the qualifications. Dumb as dirt, same as yourself.

  6. Keep in mind that whenever you spend, you vote for something. If you use your credit card, which most people don’t pay off immediately for a lot of purchases, you are telling business, “I know that you are charging me a ton-o-shit for this iPod, but I don’t mind paying twice as much for it with my credit card”. Layaways message says, “I want it, but I really can’t afford it. But don’t go raisin’ the price next year or you can keep it.”

  7. I think that layaway is not ghetto is for people that dont make as much money as me! Poor people have dreams too!

  8. Who ever wrote this is GHETTO!
    SEE ME!

  9. This Great Country had grocery or store credit for the items we needed,then we got layawayand now credit cards which put people with a little money into big dept.Ghetto has nothing to with any of this .Layaway has my support if it helps you in any way.Hey,I don’t care what you say .

  10. Lay-a-way is a smart thing right now. Ghetto or not
    no interest !!!! duh why pay 30% interest ? Just another way to beat the credit crunch. who would you rather be ghetto or stupid cause you like giving your money away

  11. This Blog is Ghetto…

  12. The Realist Deuce

    Layaway is like a credit card except you dont have to pay intrest and be put in debt. I’m pretty sure the person who wrote this article has financed a car right? If so he is ghetto cuz it is sort of on lay-away because it has to take 3-5 years to mke it yours. I love Lay-away it keeps gifts hidden until I need it. I am a self made real man unlike you I own everything that I have I dont owe jack to no one. I pay off vehicles in a single visit so come on partner lay off us real people

  13. I think it is funny that the person who wrote this says ” main reason is that ghetto people must use layaway is because they are flat broke and simply cannot afford the item at this time. ” Hmmm that sounds like people who put things on credit cards. People have never been in debt due to putting things in layaway but we hear a lot about people who are suffering from credit card debt. My advice; get a life you poor dumb bastard.

  14. For all those who think laway is ghetto, especially little miss “OMG”. Let’s see where some of you are when the economy goes bust, and more and more people keep losing loosing their jobs. Layaway came along in the depression when things got so bad it was the only way people could afford things. This country has gotten so cocky. You snobs will be the first ones jumping from your windows should times get tough…Us ghetto people pity you..

  15. I agree with many of you, Layaway is not ghetto. It makes so much sense to pay for a purchase outright even if it means that you have to do it over a couple months. It also makes sense for moms like me who have a problem with kids snooping for xmas gifts!! Win-win right, no interest charges and no gifts to hide.
    Buying things that you don’t have the money to pay for is ghetto even if you have a great credit score and an AMEX in your wallet.

  16. i have also always thought layaway was pretty ghetto. i am getting married in july so i will not be moving in my new house for about 9 months. it would be very useful for someone like me wants to get the funiture for the house before it goes out of stock. Also we are in the process of getting approved for mortgages so we dont want $1 on our credit cards!!

  17. i hate sterotypes

    how a person decides to purchase a product has nothing to do with their status! I used to work for a major credit card company and I have personally seen doctors , lawyers,teachers literally all different kinds of people go into debt from over spending! If you miss a payment your interest rate can go up to well over 20 percent so how smart is that! Besides that everyone has the right to exist and be happy and have the things they want and layaway may be the only means some people have to pay their bills and still afford to get things they want and may need. not everyone is a millionaire! and that doesnt make someone a lousy person with a shitty credit score just because they are hardworking citizens that can only make ends meet! I am outraged that people can be so closed minded! with half of america in credit card debt, the divorce rate climbing er single income families and loss of jobs do to failing economy no one has the right to judge. yeah there are some people out there that buy dumb shit they dont need but we wouldnt have these rich folks on wallstreet if someone wasnt buying products that fuel the economy. and you cannot have rich people without poor people( also known as the people working for their companies!) so please take a good look at yourself because i think that you may be a very shallow, selfish person who is not happy with their own life!

  18. My moms used to take us to woolworth and let us go crazy….picking out toys and clothes and crap like dat…like we were gonna get it all that day…then kart it back to the layaway counter in the back! We put kool aid on layaway…..red for sho.


  19. Lawaway is a better solution that overextending yourself on credit. Find more layaway resources at http://www.squidoo.com/layaway-on-the-internet.

  20. You are the most foolish person in the world I believe. My credit is A1 so I have no worries but for those who use layaway don’t let this asshole put you down. He or she is just mad because of a job loss, no sex, or something. If you don’t like the layaway option don’t go to stores where you will see people in line for layaway. Simple. (On the low I believe you must want to put something on layaway and you’re trying to see how people will react if they see you there)

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